I started this line of thought on an early morning, Sunday, of course. When sleep fell away and left me and my apologies to find explanations to circumstance of “Why”.
The word “Why” is one of my most despised adverbs. I find it is usually used in conversations where the person being reported to, responds for lack of anything else to say and still appear to remain informed.
It is said that,
“Only a fool represents himself in court.” but in the end, God keeps to Himself, one last belly laugh, as we, the fools, stand before Him and say to ourselves,”What was I thinking? "Why", did I do that?”
This leads to another word of equal repulsion, “Because.” Here, one has to be very careful to have all the billiard balls lined up, and ready to fall. One slip and your case is thrown out. To use this word, as a one stop, condensed digest form, is to find explanation, a pure calamity.
So, what is one to do when God says, “Explain yourself.” I would like to think that I would appreciate being selected for jury duty that day, instead of being in line, and as the progression of Souls file in and out, I realize what we have done to ourselves by choice. Decisions based on, Why and Because.
This may be what I see:
The Catholic would want someone to intercede for them, let’s say a lawyer.
The Presbyterian would say, “ I couldn’t help it!”
The Buddhist would say, “I’ll do much better next time... etc”
The baptist would ask for a towel.
A Jew might say, “ It was like that when I got here!”
The Agnostic would say, “ I don’t know.”
The Atheist would say, “WHY should I?”
And the Muslims would stand outside the gallery and scratch their heads.
I suppose then, you would say with hand on your hip or arms folded, “So, what’s the answer?” I would respond, “ I was objective!”
I am fascinated by the word “Timshel.”
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