I saw the Lady as we put to sea,
I thought Her light, not as bright, as it used to be.
And as the fog swept her breast,
disappointment filled my chest,
as we steamed from Ellis island.
She was there when we left the yard.
Her eyes were closed , not to see
With the book held, in high regard.
She almost took the breath from me.
Remember those that came,
and remember we that leave
be sure that we all know for those that we grieve.
All the greatness at such a cost;
as I remember, the ghosts, of Ellis Island.
And the thousands that were to die for Her
the land their blood inters.
The pride of many, the hopes for all,
as we watch our loved ones fall.
Now with hope I stand another stage.
Ancestral land I have engaged.
With so many who leave in disgust,
the land given in trust
to those who would stain her page.
On this pier I step ashore,
with my wits and not much more.
Among this crowd I’m pushed along;
many faces , foreign tongues.
Oh for they that came, and we that leave,
Sure we all know for those we grieve.
Their lives were lost, for which we stand.
And it is we who became the ghosts, of Ellis Island.
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