It’s four in the morning,
the dark night in her loathing, the Sun
to chase her shadows all day.
The air is cool
hanging low in a pool, around the grass,
a futile grip to be broken.
Diamonds to be stolen by the thief of light.
Quite even now.
Sleep packs her bags to go home.
I lay awake listening
for the rustling of life

The freeway starts in the distance, low.
The train mans’ whistle shows restraint
through the town.
Searching for slippers, coffee in tow,
careful so the kids don’t hear a sound.
The lanterns flame sways on the table,
the horses snort and bump the stable.
The dogs are out, the screen door lets another fly in.
As the second pot starts to rumble,
a long deep sigh, soft and humble.
First light, coffee says, “Restaurant OPEN”
Let the day begin.
.It’s All so Simple, Life Is
It was the flash of headlights that brought Jen from her half sleep at the table.
Hey you, up in there, what’s the lantern all about, you can’t be out of power. I was just down at Francies she’s got power. Oh, and I brought a couple of folks with me you may know. Kyle put the milk cases in the walk-in and the dogs came screaming into the kitchen.
Want some coffee Kyle? I know you’re not up to full speed yet.
Only got a minute, got schedule to keep ya know. He pulled up a chair and sighed, Jen poured the coffee and started another pot.
Those dogs of yours sure do love Ms. Francie, but they’ve latched on to you all too, quick. Your Auntie, God keep her, nursed those two like they were her own. Being dumped, out back by the trash of a restaurant, like that was to make up for a cold heart and no brains. Why, they was nothin’ but wee pups then. I bet they get the smell of who ever done that to them they’d give them what for now. They’ve grown up just fine and do a great job too, for Ms. Francie and you.
Your Auntie Ella was a miracle worker with those two , yes indeed, a miracle worker . Why, I never seen two dogs work together like they do. You know……...
Kyle? Like some toast with that coffee? Jen knew is was winding up to full gear now. Why, Ms. Jen I need to be goin’ got a job to do and a schedule to keep.
He swung the screen door wide open and began whistling his same old worn out tune as he stepped into his open side truck. As the door came shut, it was a mad rush for the flies, changing shifts for the day.
Hey you, up in there, what’s the lantern all about, you can’t be out of power. I was just down at Francies she’s got power. Oh, and I brought a couple of folks with me you may know. Kyle put the milk cases in the walk-in and the dogs came screaming into the kitchen.
Want some coffee Kyle? I know you’re not up to full speed yet.
Only got a minute, got schedule to keep ya know. He pulled up a chair and sighed, Jen poured the coffee and started another pot.
Those dogs of yours sure do love Ms. Francie, but they’ve latched on to you all too, quick. Your Auntie, God keep her, nursed those two like they were her own. Being dumped, out back by the trash of a restaurant, like that was to make up for a cold heart and no brains. Why, they was nothin’ but wee pups then. I bet they get the smell of who ever done that to them they’d give them what for now. They’ve grown up just fine and do a great job too, for Ms. Francie and you.
Your Auntie Ella was a miracle worker with those two , yes indeed, a miracle worker . Why, I never seen two dogs work together like they do. You know……...
Kyle? Like some toast with that coffee? Jen knew is was winding up to full gear now. Why, Ms. Jen I need to be goin’ got a job to do and a schedule to keep.
He swung the screen door wide open and began whistling his same old worn out tune as he stepped into his open side truck. As the door came shut, it was a mad rush for the flies, changing shifts for the day.
Jo and Hazel hung close to Jen’s legs looking back and forth to their food and water bowls, as Jen realized to get them taken care of. They both had their own accommodations and did not, would not, share. It was a funny thing at first, to watch, when they first arrived. Hazel attacked her food like a whirlwind and Jo would lay reverandley down to his bowl giving homage to the three maybe four morsels he would place on the floor, and eat individually.
They were siblings and had grown to equal proportion for staffordshire bulls, likely mixed because of their height, with the biggest smiles on their faces with floppy ears.. They had taken to Francie when Jen’s Aunt Ella had nursed them to health. As they grew older they would go down to the motel, Francie owned, and keep the overnighters on the straight path to the office to pay their bill. All the truckers loved them, they are quite an attraction.
Jo and hazel loved the boys, they would rough house and go with them beside the horses they rode to school., then race back to the Cafe. All in all it was quite a busy day for those two,and back at three to pick up the boys, Jen never worried about the boys going to and from school.
Jo and hazel loved the boys, they would rough house and go with them beside the horses they rode to school., then race back to the Cafe. All in all it was quite a busy day for those two,and back at three to pick up the boys, Jen never worried about the boys going to and from school.
Jen looked at the wall clock, and out the window, the glow of first light was crowning the mesa. Jo, Hazel! Go get them boys up and take care of the horses. Like bullets they were gone up to the boys room and laughter filled the stairway. Jen could see in her minds eye what was going on. To be woke up with slobbery wet, water bowl kisses was every boy’s delight as they pulled their trousers on coming down in unicend footsteps on the wood staircase. Twelve pounding steps every day of her life. She knew she had made the right decision.
Bacon was ready crisp and crunchy, almost blackened for Tom, crunchy chewy for Bennet. Out the door to the barn to their horses she had bought with the insurance money, when they had got there. Jen had ridden when she was young and competed and she had bought herself one as well, along with an old beat up truck from an Indian Ella knew. He would change his name everyday fitting his outlook on life at the particular time. Actually, no one knew his name, but most folks called him Del. He was a big man, Oglala Lakota, big white teeth and smile to show them off, jet black long straight hair, scared to death of being mixed with Irish blood, so he said.
Del was infatuated with wheels. He had so many vehicles that he couldn’t stop himself if he saw one he liked. Jen had bought her old truck from him, she knew it would always be looked after. Del had said one time, "I’m not your typical Indian as you would think of one nowadays. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, and I don’t do drugs but if I see a vehicle I like; I’m a sucker for it." It was rumored that he had money from being in the film industry, but he had given that up and moved to the desert area where he could breathe better.
Bacon was ready crisp and crunchy, almost blackened for Tom, crunchy chewy for Bennet. Out the door to the barn to their horses she had bought with the insurance money, when they had got there. Jen had ridden when she was young and competed and she had bought herself one as well, along with an old beat up truck from an Indian Ella knew. He would change his name everyday fitting his outlook on life at the particular time. Actually, no one knew his name, but most folks called him Del. He was a big man, Oglala Lakota, big white teeth and smile to show them off, jet black long straight hair, scared to death of being mixed with Irish blood, so he said.
Del was infatuated with wheels. He had so many vehicles that he couldn’t stop himself if he saw one he liked. Jen had bought her old truck from him, she knew it would always be looked after. Del had said one time, "I’m not your typical Indian as you would think of one nowadays. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, and I don’t do drugs but if I see a vehicle I like; I’m a sucker for it." It was rumored that he had money from being in the film industry, but he had given that up and moved to the desert area where he could breathe better.
You boys done yet? Get on in here get your breakfast. Yes Ma. Jen thought well, thats a new one, calling me Ma. She wasn’t sure she liked it, but let it go, they have to stretch out and see what they can get away with, Boys! whew! They were good boys , sons of their father straight as arrows, made from a rose bush vine. I wouldn’t trade them for the world.
Bennet blew the lantern out and went to the sink and washed his face, pulled up his chair and sat there waiting. Your legs broke mister? Jen said. You know where the plates are and all that. Tom came shuffling in, hair all combed nice and collar buttoned.
Jen looked at Bennet and he shook his head, Jen let it go with a half smile.She poured some coffee for them and served their breakfast particulars. After all it is a restaurant, you ought to be able to order what you want , right? That’s right , Ma! There it was again, Ma. Bennet, ten and Tom, twelve, You would want to see the changes that two years make after hard times and rough news. She knew now that she had been right.
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