Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Everyone said, I’d love it here
White sandy beaches, the warm salt air.
Sculptured gardens,
beautiful birds that sing.

Glorious mountains, in golden glow,
with deep green meadows, lush and low.
They told me I’d love it here.
They all told me so.

By God’s good grace I came here.
By God’s good grace I stay.
To sit and reflect on time long passed
is to waste another day.

I will walk the paths that life holds dear.
By grace, I will find my way.
I know that love has brought me.
I could not resist; I had to come.
Still, I lament the change.

Torn from your side as some cruel test,
and let go, to find my way back to you.
Given no understanding of where you are,
or who you are; and you, searching for me.
What would be the chance, to find each other?

My whole being longs for you,
but I do not know that it is for you, I yearn.
An aching hollowness, an unfulfilled desire.
A single soulful drive to satisfy.
My mission, my given gift not to waste,
my calling to fulfill.

They had to tell me something to make me leave and go.
They all told me I’d love it here.
They all told me so.

White sandy beaches, the warm salt air.
Sculptured gardens, a vibrant colored fair,
filled with all the beautiful birds that sing.
These flowers have no perfume and I cannot hear a thing.

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